Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Before things get out of hand...

You know you're suffering from wedding-preparation-stress when you start having bad dreams about your wedding...

It was an hour or two before the wedding banquet. I was busy getting myself dolled up to meet the guests and be the centre of attraction. It is afterall my big day and I am supposed to look my best, from head to toes...and fingers....And that was when I found out to my horror that I had forgotten all about my fingers and toes! I forgot to go for manicure and pedicure session! Bear in mind that these are the very hands that every guest will see as they offer their congratulations. And for me, nothing can hit me more strongly than a less than perfect look. I got all panicky and started on my hunt for anybody who was willing to do it for me. >>>>fast forward>>>>

Right before the banquet began, we were getting ready for our first march-in when someone called out:"Ok, time to start, where's the emcees?" *gasp* I had forgotten all about it! I had forgotten to arrange for an emcee for the night's events! >>>>

Thankfully, the dream ended at that. I can't imagine what worse things could have happened. As you would have guessed, the first thought that came to my mind the next morning when I awoke was: ok, we need to confirm our emcees for the day. And I need to set a reminder for manicure and pedicure session. Later in the day and in the days that followed, I started getting paranoid and kept thinking of the things that I might forget to do. The list just got longer and longer. Finally, I decided. I should write down all the things that needs to be done and the dealine for them, just so the dream will never have a chance to come true. So there, I hope we haven't left out any other things.

I laugh when I think about the dream I had, but imagine if it was real...*shudder*... Anyway, it has become the joke at friends' gatherings, lunch with colleagues, and now all of you can have some entertainment.